Thursday, July 19, 2018

Infamous update: less than a month to go

The Infamous Kickstarter is scheduled (currently) for August 10th, so that means I have less than a month before life gets insanely stressful.  As if it wasn't stressful already...

The big project for me since Origins has been working with our exceptional graphic designer, Kody Chamberlain, on the Infamous rulebook.  Rulebooks are always a bear, and this one is no exception.  I do wish I had the graphic design skills (like Vital Lacerda, or Ryan Laukat) to do the rulebook myself.  Then I wouldn't have to worry about minimizing the number of revision requests I make, and I could obsess over small details and changes on a never-ending basis.  Actually, that sounds terrible, so maybe this is all for the best.

All will be revealed...
Otherwise, I've asked Kody to make a few minor adjustments to the components, per some feedback I received at Origins.  And while EGG and I have a fairly good idea of what the Kickstarter for Infamous is going to look like, there are a number of details to still work out:
  • Kickstarter video needs to be recorded
  • Kickstarter page graphics needs to be designed (wish I could do this myself)
  • Specific order in which we reveal stretch-goals needs to be determined
  • Promotional work
It's that last bullet-point - "promotional work" - that really sticks in my craw.  Some companies (and designers) are better at this than others.  It seems so hard to stick out in a crowd of so many games, to generate enthusiasm for yet another Kickstarter, to reach potential backers & buyers who just don't know you exist.  Over the years, I'd read so much on this topic:  from Jamey Stegmaier's amazing blog series on Kickstarters, to dozens of post-mortems.  I do wish that EGG did more than they do now; they are not the most nimble or creative company when it comes to promotion.  Having said that, they have a solid presence and reputation in the industry, they reach international customers better than many companies, and they do have a very solid "following" of customers who often support EGG games.

I did recently post a nice summary of Infamous on BoardGameGeek, and you can read it here if you want: